Sunday 27 November 2011

reunion postpone??!

Huaa... Saye da gileeee.. Janjitemu dgan kwan kwan da postpone.... Gile sedihhh... Rindu kawan even baru due tige minggu ta jumpe... Hurmmm... Kan best kalau dapat jumpe diorang tiap tiap hari cam duluu... Tahun depan sekolah lain lain daaaaaa!!! Ade yg masuk asrama da jarang jumpeeeee!!!! Serious weh.... Aku rindu friendship yg kitorang built duluu.... Kalaulahh tade sekolah menengah kan bestt??huhuhu....k ar..nk men btuseremban nvan cousin..heheheh..

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Saturday 26 November 2011

sedare-mare coming


Olla blogger,reader and my beloved i want to tell you allz anout my cousins...before dat i want to wish to my brother syamim irsyad...ok back to de main topicmy cousins came to my house..i am very this moning maybe i spend my time with nani...hahahaa...i miz ullz...kk..remember our union kak chah n syeeda!!!!k cousins came from perak..k..i want fo to the wet market.k..bue..uehehe..

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