Saturday 24 December 2011

Someone came to my house?????


My beloved followers n readers,

today,there was a person coming to my house...owhh...i dont like people came to my house unless they were invited by me or my family...huh..did everyone want to know who is the person???arrhhh...i'm sorry guys i can't full fill your permintaan...hahaha...da x tau nk ckap is a longer day that i had been in my life...arrhh....luckily my sisters were here...i can joke with them...okay!!now i want to tell you allz when 'she' is coming to my house...before dat....'she' called my parents....she commend..cewah..hehe..okay,she commend my parents to fetch her at the terminal bus in parents told me to follow them..i refused..well you allz know i stay at home with my sis...when my parents went to temerloh...i n my sis make some onion rings...hehehe...the onions rings taste so sucks...hahaha..when i'm frying de onion rings she arrived at my house...she gave i answer sibling shaked hand witg her but not me okay...i'm had been patience with her in long time.hahaha.....after i finished frying the onions rings,i enter my room...hehehehe....after 10 minutes past,i went to living room n itake the onion ring......ape lgi melahap la onion ring tu sorang2..hahahaha...skunk nie org tuh tgh tido..da la aku nk tgk movie...okay dats all guyz...hehehe



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